Сотрудничество с научными учреждениями стран СНГ

    Предложено научное сотрудничество с Институтом экономических стратегий и инновационного развития Центрального экономико-математического института РАН и Институтом проблем рынка и информационных технологий РАН по вопросам совершенствования и перевода экономики на инновационный путь развития. инновационный путь развития. Совместные работы с Государственным научно-учебным заведением «Академия финансового управления» Научно-исследовательского финансового института Украины (г. Киев), Институтом кибернетики им. В.М. Глушкова Национальной академии наук Украины.


    Сотрудничество с научными учреждениями зарубежных стран

    Главный научный сотрудник Центра Г.Н. Петров:

    - Член редколлегии международного казахстанско-германского журнала «Central Asia Journal of Water Research» по гидротехническим сооружениям, рецензент международного журнала International Letters of Natural Sciences (ILNS), издаваемого издательством SciPress Ltd., Бах, Швейцария;

    - рецензент научного журнала «International Letters of Natural Sciences (ILNS)», издаваемого SciPress Ltd., Бах, Швейцария;

    - является членом редколлегии научного журнала MMF (Modern Management Forum), http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/Modern-Management-Forum.



    Сотрудничество с научными учреждениями стран СНГ

    Предложено научное сотрудничество с Институтом экономических стратегий и инновационного развития Центрального экономико-математического института РАН и Институтом проблем рынка и информационных технологий РАН по вопросам совершенствования и перевода экономики на инновационный путь развития. инновационный путь развития. Проводится совместная работа с Государственным научно-учебным заведением «Академия финансового управления» Научно-исследовательского финансового института Украины (г. Киев).

    Сотрудничество с научными учреждениями дальнего зарубежья

    Главный научный сотрудник Центра Г.Н.Петров является членом редколлегии международного казахстанско-германского журнала по гидротехническим сооружениям «Central Asia Journal of Water Research», рецензентом международного журнала International Letters of Natural Sciences (ILNS). издается издательством SciPress Ltd., Бах, Швейцария.

    В январе 2017 года заместитель директора Центра академик Х.М. Ахмедов был избран членом-корреспондентом Российской академии естественных наук, а его библиографические сведения включены в энциклопедический сайт «Ученые России» (www. famous-scientists. ру).



    Сотрудничество с научными учреждениями стран СНГ

    Научное сотрудничество с Институтом водных проблем НАН КР по анализу региональных климатических моделей и их достоверности, Институтом экономических стратегий и инновационного развития РИА, Центральным экономико-математическим институтом РИА и Институт проблем рынка и информационных технологий РИА по вопросам совершенствования и ведения экономики продолжили инновационный путь развития.


    Сотрудничество с научными учреждениями зарубежных стран

    Совместно с учеными Института прикладных наук и технологий имени Гулама Исхака Хана (Пакистан) продолжены работы по созданию и испытанию солнечных устройств, электролизеров для получения водорода с использованием солнечной энергии и датчиков температуры на основе органических полупроводниковых гетероструктур.

    Ведутся совместные работы с Университетом Куала-Лумпура (Малайзия) по исследованию устройств на основе органических полупроводников (влагопоглотителей).

    Соглашение о создании Китайско-Таджикского центра научно-технической и экономической информации между Центром и Институтом по исследованию стратегий развития науки и техники Синьцзян-Уйгурского автономного района КНР в г. Урумчи был закрыт.

    Научное сотрудничество осуществляется с Институтом экономических стратегий и инновационного развития, Центральным экономико-математическим институтом, Институтом проблем рынка и информационных технологий РАН.

    Research and Innovation Activities - 2022


    Annual report on scientific and scientific-organizational activities

    of the Center for Innovative Development of Science and New Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan in 2022

    Research and Innovation Activities

    1.1 Main results of scientific research

    Project: Development and creation of innovative hybrid systems and equipment for the production of electric and thermal energy based on renewable energy sources. RD No. 0118 TJ 00911.

    Project Manager: Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ilolov M.I.

    Research work continued in several directions. The stability conditions for some classes of ordinary and stochastic differential equations in the Ulam-Hyers sense were found. A classification of solar photovoltaic tracking systems and their characteristics in the natural conditions of Tajikistan are presented. The dynamics of electric energy and useful heat of a solar thermal photovoltaic device is investigated. Monthly extreme and average values ​​of the photovoltaic module temperature and local air temperature (Khujand city) are determined. The daily and seasonal dynamics of the thermal energy stored in the photovoltaic module (PVM) materials are studied, taking into account the stochastic nature of sunlight and local climate. It is determined that the average annual value <Tmax–Tmean> of the PVM is 200C. In winter, <Tmax-Taverage> decreases to 150C. It is found that the thermal energy stored in the material has a low correlation coefficient (0.18) with the SFTU electrical capacity. The decrease in electricity generation due to the increase in the module temperature is compensated by the thermal energy generation of the hybrid solar installation by about 1-2%. The stored energy ΔWacq of the HFTU at midday reaches 50 W h/m2 or 1.5% of the daily specific sum of SI. The daily useful thermal energy of the CHP is 2 kW/m2. The typical daily amount of SI in October is about 3.5 kWh/m2. The daily electricity generation of SFTU is 280 Wh/m2, the electrical efficiency is about 8%. The overall electrical and thermal efficiency of the CHP is 58%.

    A technology for modeling composite coatings has been developed, providing the necessary characteristics for the use of multilayer materials; The main material for the outer shell and the method for preparing the shell for its installation have been selected and substantiated.

    To determine the productivity in the southern part of the country, 20 varieties of Jerusalem artichoke were grown in the conditions of the Kushoniyonsky (450 m above sea level) and Dangara (600 m above sea level) districts, in the experimental site of the Institute of Botany, Physiology and Genetics of Plants of the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (at an altitude of 840 m above sea level).

    The issue of further development of domestic science and its connection with the development of new technologies and innovative materials and their application in production has been studied. It has been determined that one of the important conditions for the further development of innovative science in the Republic of Tajikistan is the introduction of modern innovative technologies in various sectors of the country's economy.

    The main issue that can directly contribute to the development of innovative activities is the creation of a national system of support for innovation, technological development and modernization of production based on new scientific and technical developments that can ensure the transition of the country's economy to an innovative level. innovative path of development.

    The popular science book "Science, Technology and Innovation" has been published, which examines the role of science, fundamental and applied scientific research in obtaining knowledge, transforming this knowledge into scientific ideas, creating technologies based on these ideas, transforming scientific knowledge and technology. Innovations and the introduction of innovative science-intensive goods and services into the economy have been studied and researched.

    The brochure "Intellectual Property and Its Features in Scientific Research and Development" has been published. This brochure examines intellectual property as a result of human intellectual activity and its essence in scientific research and development, and also provides information on the main objects of intellectual property.

    The dynamics of useful electrical energy of a solar photovoltaic device in the transition period from winter to spring to summer was studied. Cloudy weather was observed in late winter and early spring, when the frequency and duration of clear sunny days were the lowest. To estimate useful electrical energy, the daily generation of the solar photovoltaic device was measured. Based on the database of measurements of useful electrical energy from solar photovoltaic installations, monthly coefficients of atmospheric transparency and cloudiness were determined for this territory for the period March-May 2022.

    Research and Innovation Activities – 2023


    on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities

    of the Center for Innovative Development of Science and New Technologies

    of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan in 2023

    Project: "Research and development of innovative technologies for the production of electric and thermal energy, seasonal energy supply from renewable energy sources and provision of recommendations on the practical aspects of their use" RD No. 0123TJ1513.

    Project manager: Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.I. Ilolov

    Research and Innovation Activities

    1.1 Main results of scientific research

    During the reporting period, research continued on the theory of stochastic differential equations and their applications. In particular, new results were obtained for the equations of porous media. An important example of such media is a geothermal reservoir with stochastic characteristics such as porosity, permeability, temperature and pressure. Some of the research results were presented at the 48th Stanford Geothermal Symposium (USA), the Eighth International Conference on Stochastic Methods (ICSM-8) and the Voronezh Winter School of Mathematicians - 2023. A mathematical model of fluid dynamics in a fractured-porous medium was created (using the Khoja Obi Garm hydrogeothermal system as an example). The solvability conditions for stochastic differential equations were determined using the fractional Laplacian and Balakrishnan white noise. (Ilolov M., Rakhmatov J.Sh.).

    The effect of divalent ions Mg2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Sr2+ on enhancing the photoluminescence intensity of the oxide material CaAl12O19 doped with Mn4+ ions was studied using experimental and theoretical methods. All these samples were synthesized by the solid-state reaction method, and their crystal structure was studied by X-ray diffraction. A significant enhancement of the photoluminescence intensity was observed with the addition of Mg2+ and Zn2+ compared to the CaAl12O19 sample doped with Mn4+ ions (monodoped). The results showed that the samples doped with Cd2+ and Sr2+ ions do not contribute to such an enhancement of the photoluminescence intensity. In order to clarify the mechanism of such enhancement of photoluminescence upon co-doping with divalent ions, a study was carried out on the change in the local environment of the Mn4+ ion in CaAl12O19 both experimentally using the analytical EPR method and theoretically using density functional theory calculations. The EPR spectra demonstrate significant changes upon co-doping with Mg2+ and Zn2+ ions, whereas no such difference is observed in the spectra of the samples doped with Cd2+ and Sr2+ ions. Density functional theory calculations and EPR measurement results show that the addition of Mg2+ and Zn2+ ions significantly changes the local environment of the central Mn4+ ion, while the effect of Cd2+ and Sr2+ ions is very small. Changes in the local environment of the central ion lead to an increase in the photoluminescence intensity. In conclusion, it should be noted that the choice of additional divalent ions that take the place of the Al3+ ion in the CaAl12O19 structure can be carried out by comparing their ionic radius with the Al3+ ion, and these ions affect the local environment of the central Mn4+ ion in CaAl12O19. structure that enhances the photoluminescence intensity. (Ilolov M., Kurbaniyon M.)

    Development of innovative systems for storing solar radiation energy in enclosing materials of buildings and structures (walls, roofs, floors).

    The physical parameters and temperature characteristics of the device - a solar collector (SC) for storing solar energy - are calculated. The air-cooled CO was developed based on the research materials of the solar collector panel (SCP). The area of ​​the CC is 3 m2, the length is 244 cm, the width is 122 cm. There are two ways to install the CC on the surface of the enclosing structures (ES): vertical installation of the CC along the length or along the width. The space between the windows, above and below them is completely glazed with KO. The elements of the device: a transparent cover, a radiator, a heat-insulating layer, heat input and output devices. The elements are placed according to the description of the invention of the Central Heating Plant for heating buildings and structures and the first patent.

    The technical effect is achieved by increasing the heating level and improving the thermal insulation of the air ducts.

    The design peak capacity of the CHPP is 3 kW, the average capacity is 1 ... 2 kW during the heating season from October to April. The design thermal efficiency of the CO is 66%.

    The design of the KO body is based on anti-corrosion profiles for strengthening the elements and installing the KO on the surface of the CM. A scale model was made to test the operation of the central heating system.

    Development of an automatic control (monitoring) device for the thermal mass and microclimate of buildings and structures. The device is a device for measuring temperature, built on the basis of a microcomputer and having a memory unit for recording measurement results.

    Implementation of research achievements

    Department of Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Processes

    Publications and inventions

    Work schedule

    Center of the Innovative Development of Science and New Technologies of NAST

    • Monday - Friday 8.00 - 17.00
    • Saturday: Day off
    • Sunday: Day off


    Address: Dushanbe, 33 Rudaki Ave., third floor, new building of NAST

    • Email : info@cidsnt.tj
    • Phone: (+992 37) 221-35-67
    © 2024 "Center of Innovative Development of Science and New Technologies" of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
